PolyZymes Lab
01.03.2023 - Andoni is joining our group at POLYMAT... as postdoc!! welcome Andoni!
Since Jan 2023 - PolyZymes is growing!! New PostDocs have joined the group. Dr. Elena Romero, Dr. Krishan Kumar (JdC), and Dr. Maria del Carmen Mañas have joined us.
16.12.2022 - First doctor from the group! Extremely proud of you, Dr. Rodriguez!!!
01.08.2022 - TheraTools awarded!!! Ana Beloqui will coordinate this EU - MSCA-DN project. Looking forward to it! https://www.ehu.eus/es/-/ana-beloqui-estudio-cancer
01.08.2022 - Lauren Sullivan, from University of Alabama, enjoyed with us a short-term stay for 2 months. Great experience!
01.08.2022 - Two new publications of the group in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces and Angewandte Chemie!! congrats to Dani and Andoni for the hard work!
10.05.2021 - Andoni got the "Oral presentation" award in the "Next Generation in Biocatalysis" conference held online. Very proud and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
10.05.2021 - Thanks to the "Grupo Especializado de Química Biológica" of the RSEQ for the "Young Leader of Research Group" award!!! https://fotos.europapress.es/fotonoticia/f3725510/
21.01.2021 - Pablo was awarded a PhD Fellowship from the Basque Government. He will be cosupervised by our great collegue Marcelo Calderón and myself!! Zorionak Pablo!
16.11.2020 - Woooow!!! Really good news for PolyZymes Lab and several groups in POLYMAT!!! we got funds from the Diputación de Gipuzkoa for the development of smart nanovehicles to treat glioblastoma cancer cells!! Proud to be involved in such collaborative project. Interview and more info here
01.11.2020 - Very happy to announce that Rocío López is joining us!!! She will perform her PhD in a collaborative project in the groups of Aitziber L. Cortajarena (CICbiomaGUNE) and Ana Beloqui (POLYMAT). Welcome to PolyZymes Lab, Rocío!
01.10.2020 - New member in the group!!! Patricia Oslé started her Master Thesis in our lab, with the co-supervision of Marcelo Calderón (RPT group - POLYMAT). Welcome Patricia!
15.07.2020 - Pablo defended succesfully defended his Master Thesis. Congratulations Pablo! Well done!
17.06.2020 - Good news!!! we have been awarded a National Grant for the next three years! We will develope interesting chemoenzymatic nanoreactors. Stay tuned! Thanks to the AEI for the funds.
24.04.2020 - Andoni and Ana attended to the First virtual international symposium on Nano- Microgels VISNM. The talks are on-line, if you missed them!
https://youtu.be/Gjfu2l92JXU; https://youtu.be/oDUvBnNyEQg
12.03.2020 - Following the directions given by the Authorities due to the CoronaVirus emergency, PolyZymes group will telework from home in the next weeks.
05.03.2020 - Josu successfully defended his TFG Thesis on gold-protein hybrids. Congrats Josu!
01.02.2020 - After more than three years working at CICnanoGUNE, we are moving to POLYMAT (UPV/EHU). Thanks to the Agencies (@Ikerbasque and @AEI) for trusting in this new project! (@IkerbasqueFellow and @RamonyCajal)
21.01.2020 - We have our own webpage! I´ll try to have it updated:)